Insurance Companies Have Attorneys Working For Them

Let our account specialists deal with the adjuster.

Let our account specialists deal with the adjuster.

  • A proven system with prompt payment.
  • Actually get paid for completed jobs.
  • Track your payment & Increase cash flow.

Xactimate Invoicing

Get paid like the big guys, with respect.

Claims Negotiations
& Payment Tracking

It’s like having your own AR department, without the payroll expense.

Why Don't You?

Net Claims Now’s dedicated staff consists of seasoned experts from both the water damage restoration and insurance industries. Our restoration professionals know what you want, and our insurance experts know how to get it. Together, they work to provide you with the best billing services available, period.

Due to the state of the economy, insurance carriers are using aggressive tactics to maximize their bottom line. The good news is that the law does not allow insurance carriers to make their profit by disputing or denying valid insurance claims.

While some insurance companies blatantly dispute or deny valid insurance claims for profit, others have employed the tactic of bullying you to settle a claim for far less than what it is worth. It is YOUR LEGAL RIGHT to get paid what you are worth and you should never take your legal rights lightly. Our legal partners are committed to protecting those rights when the insurance companies get nasty.

It All Starts with Documentation.

In order for your legal team to do their job, you need to do yours and that means more than just water restoration. It means getting the right contracts and documentation into place. One of the most critical of these documents is a signed Assignment of Benefits. As a Net Claims Now member your service contract will automatically include an Assignment of Benefits clause.  As an added member benefit, you will have direct access to our resource page, allowing you to partner with one of our prequalified attorneys who specialize in enforcing assignment clauses and handling insurance claim disputes.

What is an Assignment of Benefits?

An Assignment of Benefits is a legal document entitling the restoration company to get paid DIRECTLY from the insurance company.
It also assigns the policy rights and benefits to the restoration company, allowing suit to be brought against the insurance company should circumstances arise.

How The Process Works:

Let’s say you just completed an average structural drying job. You submit your invoice to the adjuster for payment. The adjuster disagrees with the use of two of the six dehumidifiers used and only wants to pay for three days of drying on the remainder of equipment, not the four days you’ve charged for.

Disputed claim value = $1,400.00

Now what?

  • Do Not Argue. Do Not Revise Your Invoice. Just tell the adjuster that you disagree.  Ask the adjuster when you should expect direct payment on the undisputed amount of the claim.
  • Never say these words: attorney, mediation, appraisal, sue, and never say see you in court. Never show them your hand.    
  • Simply turn it over to your attorney for review.

Trial vs. Settlement:

Most insurance company disputes are settled without going to trial. Defending a law suit all the way to trial is costly for the insurance company. More often your attorney will reach a settlement agreement that includes your payment and attorney fees.

Let’s do the math:

If your attorney files suit with the court, the insurance company is served. The attorney for the insurance company has 20 days to respond to the complaint.

  1. Your attorney fees plus court filing fees - $1,200.00
  2. The insurance companies attorney reviews and answers the complaint - $900.00
  3. Your attorney asks for discovery, certified copy of the insurance policy, schedules a deposition for the adjuster and perhaps the claims manager. Fees – another $1,200.00.
  4. If this back and forth continues for the next 90 days the insurance company is starting to spend 3 - 5 times the original amount of the disputed claim value.    
  5. At this point the insurance company usually instructs their attorney to reach a settlement agreement. Your attorney drafts a settlement agreement that includes your original $1,400.00 plus any interest where applicable and all attorney fees and court cost. That’s a win – win!

Attorney Fees:

  • Our prequalified attorneys will review your claim dispute and provide a free consultation.
  • Insurance Law allows law firms to obtain their fees and costs separately from clients funds. This means that the INSURANCE COMPANY has to pay YOUR legal team, NOT YOU!    
  • Should a case go to trial, most state’s statutes will award the prevailing party attorneys fees.

At Net Claims Now we are committed to getting you paid what you are worth and that includes the right documentation AND the best legal teams in the nation.

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