How To Have a Successful and Amicable Claims Process

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Claims Negotiations
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Every restoration business needs to be equipped to handle insurance claims in a timely, efficient manner.  

What happens if an insurance company rebuffs your initial claims? Whether it is a fire claim or water claim that your restoration business needs to negotiate, there are several steps you can take to ensure an amicable claims process while you seek the appropriate damage amount.

1. Consult an Attorney

Insurance companies may use stalling or stonewalling tactics in an attempt to avoid paying the full amount that they are responsible for. In this case, if the company does not respond to negotiations or demand letters, it may be necessary to contact an attorney with experience in this area. A lawyer can help you communicate with the company effectively and increase your chances of getting the claim paid in full.  

2. Have a Dedicated Specialist Handle Insurance Claims

If you or your employees do not have specialized experience in negotiations for the specific types of claims you will be dealing with, it may be difficult and time-consuming to conduct negotiations on your own. A company offering specialized accounts receivable services in your industry will help you expedite the claims process and get paid more quickly. For example, a disputed mold claim in Denver, CO, will be much easier to manage with a claims specialist on hand.  

3. Retain All Documentation

As with any sensitive negotiation, it is important to be organized and retain all documents related to the situation. Again, a dedicated claims and invoicing specialist can help you manage these details so that you can get paid correctly, assert your rights, and proceed with the negotiations in an amicable and professional manner.

Disputes related to insurance claims can certainly be stressful, but taking these steps will allow you to handle things the right way.

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