What is Xactimate?

Let our account specialists deal with the adjuster.

Let our account specialists deal with the adjuster.

  • A proven system with prompt payment.
  • Actually get paid for completed jobs.
  • Track your payment & Increase cash flow.

Xactimate Invoicing

Get paid like the big guys, with respect.

Claims Negotiations
& Payment Tracking

It’s like having your own AR department, without the payroll expense.

What is Xactimate? 

Xactimate is a claims estimating software made specifically for adjusters that can be used on multiple platforms. Xactimate allows its users to receive and send assignments for estimates and valuations. The software makes it easy to communicate with adjusters, contractors and staff. Xactimate software was designed specifically for construction professionals, restoration specialists, and claims adjusters. 

So where does net claims now come into play?

NCN uses xactimate to financially settle your claims. Net Claims Now services lift a huge weight off your shoulders as a restoration owner. We understand and use the system to get what you deserve in the easiest way possible. We are up-to-date with all ICRC certified standards. Our team is able to make sure that these are implemented in your restoration projects. Insurance doesn't want to pay for an extra technician on the job? Well, in fact, sometimes it can be against code to only send one technician on restoration & remediation jobs. Our team diligently pursues a correct direction of payment to your company.

Net Claims Now Increase your job revenue by 50%

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