4 Ways Adjusters Dole Out Low Estimates

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Dealing with an accident is stressful and a hassle. After contacting your insurance company in Phoenix, AZ, those feelings may easily be heightened. Although modern conveniences, such as a streamlined billing process for restoration companies or ease of communication, should make the process easier, cutting corners is often part of the game. Below are four tactics to watch out for to get the most out of your claim.

1. Using Your Words Against You

Any written or recorded statement can and will be used against you. The more you talk about the incident, the greater likelihood of the adjuster finding something that can be twisted to the insurer’s side. Although it is necessary to communicate, keep it to a minimum and use your words carefully.

2. Creating False Urgency

After filing the claim, it can seem like the race is on. Insurance representatives often use phrases that make it seem getting your rightful claim is a limited-time offer. That hasty approach makes it easier to get you to quickly sign off on the settlement, forgoing any future legal action. In most states, the statute of limitations isn’t weeks and months but rather years.

3. Faking Being Your Friend

People who work for an insurance company aren’t bad, but they are highly trained to do what they can to maximize the company’s bottom line. One easy tactic is to make you feel like you are their friend. Always remember that the representative you are working with works for a company, not you.

4. Pointing a Finger Elsewhere

Even it may seem who was clearly in the wrong, an adjuster will scour the situation to see if there are any other possible directions to point a figure. If there were multiple cars involved in an accident, it means the potential for trying to place the blame elsewhere. If you had a pre-existing condition, it may be blamed for your current condition.

While working with an insurance company is necessary, it doesn’t mean you have to fall right in line with what is being offered. Knowing the above tactics may help ensure you get the best settlement possible.

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